Types of membership offered are detailed below.
What types of membership are available?
Consultant Membership £50 per annum
Trainee, new Consultant, Retired and Allied Health Professional Membership £20 per annum
Consultant Membership
Full membership is open to all consultant radiologists, in the UK or Republic of Ireland, who have an interest in paediatric radiology. All full members have voting rights at the Annual General Meeting, can stand for elections and hold office. The yearly membership fee is £50.
Trainee and New Consultant Membership
Trainee members and new consultants in their first year are eligible for reduced rate membership with the same benefits as full members. This costs £20 per year Membership will be converted to full membership after 1 year of qualification.
Retired Membership
Radiologists who are no longer in practice can remain members at a reduced fee of £20. Retired members do not have voting rights at the Annual General Meeting nor can they stand for elections or hold office (unless paying full member rates).
Allied Health Professional Membership
We encourage membership from allied health professionals for a fee of £20 per annum.