The Annual Scientific Meeting is a two-day meeting in early November. Each year, members who volunteer to be local organisers. The local team are given full autonomy to organise the meeting but have financial support from the society.
There are invited speakers, proffered papers and a poster section. Posters and presentations from trainees, students and radiographers are encouraged.
Prizes, awarded by the local organisers and executive committee, are given to the best presentation and posters.
- Claire Dicks-Mireaux Prize for the best oral presentation by a trainee.
- Poster Prize for the best poster presentation.
The Executive Committee may also make discretionary awards at the annual meeting if a presentation or poster fails to win one of the above prizes but is though worthy of an award.
There is an active trainees section with a social evening where trainees and potential employers can find each other. Socially the meeting is a great opportunity to catch up with old friends and make new ones!
On the final day of the meeting in the AGM for the executive where members can be updated on the workings of the society and vote on matters arising.