1. The Group shall be called the British Society of Paediatric Radiology.
2. The objectives of the Group shall be:
a. To promote the highest standards of practice of paediatric radiology and imaging in the United Kingdom.
b. To promote the exchange of information and experience amongst paediatric radiologists.
c. To advise the RCPCH and RCR about paediatric radiology and imaging matters.
3. The Group shall be autonomous but have close links with the Royal College of Radiologists and the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health.
4. Membership
a. Full Membership shall be open to all Clinical Radiologists practising paediatric radiology, who have paid the annual subscription.
b. Associate Membership shall be open to all members of the Association of Paediatric Radiographers. No subscription or fees shall apply to associate membership. Associate Members shall not have voting rights at the AGM.
5. The subscription shall be fixed by the Executive Committee from time to time and shall be payable on the 1st January annually to the Hon. Secretary. Any member who fails to pay his subscription by 1st July in the same year shall forfeit membership.
6. The management of the Group and its funds shall be entrusted to an Executive Committee of:
RCPCH Convenor
Honorary Secretary
4-5 members to bring the total membership to 7
7. The Executive Committee shall have the power to transact the business of the Group, to make bye-laws for regulating the conduct of the Group and to use the funds of the Group to promote its aims. The Executive Committee shall have the power to co-opt one member on an ad hoc basis for one year, for special advice, or to correct the geographical imbalance of the Executive Committee.
8. The Chairman shall be elected by the Executive Committee for a 3- year term; he/she shall be the primary point of contact with the Royal College of Radiologists. Any member of the Executive Committee may be elected Chairman. The Chairman may also hold office as the RCPCH Convenor.
9. The RCPCH Convenor shall be elected by the Executive Committee for a 3- year term. It is preferable, but not essential, for the Convenor to be a Member or Fellow of the RCPCH. He/she shall deal with all the RCPCH matters, act as a representative on the RCPCH Convenors Group and arrange the Scientific Programme for the RCPCH Spring meeting and any other RCPCH meetings.
10. The Honorary Secretary shall be elected by the Executive Committee for a 3-year term. He/she shall keep a membership list, collect annual subscriptions and pay bills, acting as Treasurer; he/she shall arrange the AGM and business meetings, sending out agendas and keeping a record of the proceedings; he/she shall arrange Scientific Meetings other than RCPCH meetings; he/she shall arrange elections for the Executive Committee; he/she shall present an annual account of the funds.
11. Members of the Executive Committee shall be elected by the membership *(all members who have paid the current subscription) in a formal ballot to be arranged by the secretary, each candidate being proposed and seconded in writing, with a letter of acceptance by the candidate. [for a 3-year term of office]
12. The Executive Committee shall comprise of 4 clinical radiologists with the majority or parity of sessions in paediatric radiology, 2 clinical radiologists with the minority of sessions in paediatric radiology, at least 1 of whom must be from a District General Hospital, the RCPCH Convenor and the consultant representative of the Junior Forum. The RCPCH convenor and the chairman may be the same person. No more than 2 members from the same hospital may sit on the Executive Committee. This group shall include the Honorary Secretary.
13. The Term of Office of members of the Executive Committee shall be considered to run from the first Executive meeting after the Officer’s election. Officers will serve a 3-year term*. All Officers are eligible (apart from the Junior Forum member) for re-election but no Officer shall hold office for more than 6 years continuously
14. * The consultant representative of the junior forum will be elected by the junior forum. The post will be for a maximum of 3 years.
15. The A.G.M. shall take place at one of the scientific meetings, usually the Autumn meeting. A quorum shall be 15% of those members eligible to vote (agreed AGM 2017).
16. Guests: Members are entitled to bring guests, particularly junior staff, to a scientific meeting.
17. A change in the constitution may be made at an A.G.M. by a majority of 60% or more of the members present, provided that 21 days’ notice of the proposed change has been posted by the Hon. Secretary with notice of the A.G.M.
18. Dissolution: The Group shall be dissolved at an annual or special general meeting by a resolution passed by 60% or more of the total membership, provided that 21 days’ notice of the meeting has been given.
19. Use of Funds: The funds of the Society shall be solely applied towards promotion of the objectives of the Group as stated in the constitution; no part thereof may be paid as dividend or professional fee or otherwise to any member of the Group, except for the reimbursement of reasonable out of pocket expenses incurred by the member on behalf of the Group. On dissolution, the residual funds shall belong equally to the paid-up members.