The aim of this section is to help you decide going on a fellowship, either in the UK or abroad is the right thing for you. We have compiled a collection of experiences from various Paediatric Radiologists around the UK.
Think about the following questions:
- What do you hope to gain from a fellowship?
- Do you need a fellowship?
- Where do you hope to work at the end of your fellowship?
- Where should you go?
- Have you got a financial plan
- Time spent in a different environment with new ideas and ways of doing things
- Learn new things about yourself
- Consolidate existing paediatric knowledge and learn new things
- Research opportunities
- Make new friends and colleagues
- Can be financially taxing
- Uprooting family if you go abroad
- May miss potential job positions if you are abroad
- May be able to get all the further experience and training you need starting as a consultant instead of going on a fellowship
- Pension and sick pay should be considered if thinking about going abroad and not being in NHS employment.
Tips and advice
- Plan early! Some programs such as the North American ones start advertising and filling up positions 2 years in advance.
- Look around and speak to various people and programs.
- You may need to have further exams ie USMLEs for the US.
- Are UK employees willing to wait for you to finish your fellowship before starting a consultant post?
- If there is a specific area of training you need, maybe an Out Of Programme Training for 3-6 months is all you need to gain that.